Friday, 15 August 2014

My Birthday Present ~ Little Silver Rings

It's my birthday today (hooray!) and I got up at midnight to open my cards and presents. I opened my sisters presents which were very lovely thanks to her, and I pulled out the most gorgeous rings ever captured in the picture above.

I have been looking for silver rings for ages and she knows that too. She picked these up for me and the detailing on all is beautiful! With little diamonds on to little pink gems and flowers... How can you say no?!

These were £1.50.... YOU HEARD ME! £1.50 for these beautiful gems at Primark. It may seem a bit cheap-scapey but my sister understands me, all the presents I received from her were lovely.

Why don't you head down to Primark and pick up a pack of these?!

Lots of love
Danielle xx


  1. Those rings are beautiful!! Happy Birthday for yesterday!

    Danielle | theperksofprettythings

  2. Wow! That's a steal, not cheap skating for me. I adore sterling silver rings and earrings too and collect them at every opportunity!

  3. Wow! That's a steal, not cheap skating for me. I adore sterling silver rings and earrings too and collect them at every opportunity!
